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Parents! Please explore our site and social media pages to find fun, interactive ideas to help get your kids active. Please also like and share our social media pages and websites with your friends. We want as many parents as possible to know about the resources available to help your kids.


If you have ideas or suggestions please feel free to reach out to us.


Kids! You can get involved in the cause too! You can share our social media and website with your parents, and friends so they can know of the different resources provided.


With your parent's permission, you can also share our content on your own social media pages. You can also participate in our Get Active challenges too!  



If you can, please feel free to donate to our cause. We are always looking for volunteers to write content for our blog or social media pages. If you can help, click here to reach us


Financial donations are also appreciated and welcome and help us to fulfill our mission. You can donate by clicking here




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