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  • Writer's pictureDavid Mondragon

5 Ways to Get Even the Most Stationary of Kids Active

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

It can be hard to get your child active. With all the video games, movies and YouTube videos that are vying for your child’s attention. Sometimes exercise and being outside aren’t just quite as appealing. What are you as parents to do? Unfortunately, there is no cure-all for this. Every kid is different and is motivated by unique things. That being said, here a are 5 things you can try to make your inactive child, active.

1. Find a fun activity. This sounds obvious, but make sure the child enjoys it. Don’t just make them go and run a mile. Most people aren’t going to love that. If you need ideas, check out some of our Pinterest posts.

2. Be a role model. If you aren’t setting the example of being active, it’s very unlikely that your kids will want to leave the house. Take the opportunity to improve yourself and make it a family affair!

3. Turn off the devices. As stated before, there are so many electronics taking up our time. Set a strict time limit and then use that extra time to have outdoor fun.

4. Play with your child. Going along with setting an example, your kids want to have fun with you. Set time aside to play with your child. This can set them up for a lifetime of activity.

5. Don’t overdo it. This one is important. If your child is not used to exercising, don’t start off with a 5K. Start with little steps and help them see the benefits slowly. If you push too hard, too quick, it could turn them away from exercise for a long time. The main idea is just to get them up and out.

You know your child best, so find creative ways to get them active. While there is not just one way to motivate, we all need the benefits that come when we get off the chair and move.

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